Results from the statistics database.

There are 5 statistics containing formal group law in the database:
(and possibly some waiting for verification)

   Integer partitions (5 statistics)
St001097Integer partitions ⟶ ℤ
The coefficient of the monomial symmetric function indexed by the partition in the formal group law for linear orders.
St001098Integer partitions ⟶ ℤ
The coefficient times the product of the factorials of the parts of the monomial symmetric function indexed by the partition in the formal group law for vertex labelled trees.
St001099Integer partitions ⟶ ℤ
The coefficient times the product of the factorials of the parts of the monomial symmetric function indexed by the partition in the formal group law for leaf labelled binary trees.
St001100Integer partitions ⟶ ℤ
The coefficient times the product of the factorials of the parts of the monomial symmetric function indexed by the partition in the formal group law for leaf labelled trees.
St001101Integer partitions ⟶ ℤ
The coefficient times the product of the factorials of the parts of the monomial symmetric function indexed by the partition in the formal group law for increasing trees.

Results from the maps database.

There are no maps containing formal group law in the database:
(and possibly some waiting for verification)

Results from collection pages.